Cannabis for Health update.

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From Ernie Yacub, director of the North Island Compassion Club… "hello all, as most of you know by now, the north island compassion club was raided a week ago, we […]

From Ernie Yacub, director of the North Island Compassion Club…

"hello all, as most of you know by now, the north island compassion club was raided a week ago, we lost several pounds, several dozen cookies, some hash and kief.

bill and i are likely to be charged with possession for the purposes of trafficking.

we have a good lawyer, kirk tousaw, who is handling several other cannabis cases such as the cb of c bakery bust

  • there will be a campaign organizing meeting this thursday 2pm at cannabis for health storefront, 2726 dunsmuir ave, cumberland (next to the library)

we knew this could happen any time, but of course we weren't nearly ready and despite all our precautions, we were caught off guard (i was lying in bed, duh).

but we're still in biz and fighting back.

we need your help to speak out, write letters, beefs/bouquets, talk to your friends, family, neighbours, doctors, dentists, nurses, social workers, plumbers.

we want this core message out there…

The North Island Compassion Club is a registered non-profit society that provides an essential service in our community by supplying medical marijuana to members and Health Canada card holders. 
we've had some good media so far, and dana larsen is coming here tomorrow to offer his support

we're planning a rally on saturday april 23 at the peace park, 420 cumberland road, courtenay – it also happens to be the courthouse – stay tuned.

please come around to the club during our regular hours for a chin wag – our cumberland storefront, is now open every tuesday and thursday afternoon 1-5pm (a work in progress).

connect with us on facebook as cannabis for health or call us 250 871 5207

in solid
ernie yacub
director/manager nicc"


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