Comox Valley Art Gallery Youth Media Project

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Have you heard about the Comox Valley Art Gallery Youth Media Project, an initiative that Imagine Comox Valley is partnering with by presenting a dialogue session to Comox Valley youth with […]

Have you heard about the Comox Valley Art Gallery Youth Media Project, an initiative that Imagine Comox Valley is partnering with by presenting a dialogue session to Comox Valley youth with the aim of inciting discussion regarding ‘imagining change’ within the valley? Well, the funding for this project has come through (hooray!)

Comox-Valley-Art-GallerylogoThe next step is to hire a staff team to run the project, and to recruit youth participants. This message, then, is for multiple purposes:

  • To let you know that the project is a go
  • To provide info regarding the staff positions we’re recruiting should you know of anyone who might be qualified/interested. (Please feel free to distribute through your own networks.)
  • The job descriptions/wage rates can be found at: (application deadline is Dec 20th).
  •  To provide info regarding the youth recruitment process in case you know of anyone between the ages of 16 and 30 who might be interested in applying. (This info can also be found in the above-link).

We’re really excited about launching this pilot project and hope to grow it into a larger initiative that would provide ongoing opportunities to involve young people in processes of democratic engagement.

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