First Ever Comox Valley Ciclovia – Sunday, 25 September 2011

You're Reading: First Ever Comox Valley Ciclovia – Sunday, 25 September 2011
So the Comox Valley Cycling Coalition and the Comox Valley Cycling Task Force was kind enough to bring presenter Gil Peñalosa and his wise words to the progressive folks of […]

So the Comox Valley Cycling Coalition and the Comox Valley Cycling Task Force was kind enough to bring presenter Gil Peñalosa and his wise words to the progressive folks of the Comox Valley, inspiring many if them to action and (re) adjustment.


For instance, co-director of Imagine Comox Valley, Andrew Gower from Wedler Engineering, created an event aptly titled the First Ever Comox Valley Ciclovia. If you’re not one of the 225 currently attending this event, please go to the event on Facebook and RSVP. After the event reaches 600 attendees it will make enough of an impression on local government to pay more attention and then…


Well then we get to enjoy riding bikes, walking, roller blade-ing or jogging on streets without cars for a change.

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