How to add a new post to your Divi WordPress website using the Classic Editor

How To Tutorial
You're Reading: How to add a new post to your Divi WordPress website using the Classic Editor
Here are step-by-step instructions on how to create a new post in WordPress, using the Divi Theme and the classic editor. The steps will walk you through the process in a straightforward, clear manner.

How to add a new post to your Divi WordPress website using the Classic Editor

How To Tutorial
You're Reading: How to add a new post to your Divi WordPress website using the Classic Editor

Here are step-by-step instructions on how to create a new post in WordPress, using the Divi Theme and the classic editor. The steps will walk you through the process in a straightforward, clear manner.

This will be a step-by-step guide for WordPress beginners, requiring you to be logged into the back end of your website to begin.   Watch the video or scroll down for the instructions.

Let us know if this tutorial has helped you or if you have any questions or comments!

Hannah Raeside

Office Manager, Pod Creative

Here are a few reminders about making a successful post

  • Make sure you have a Featured Image.
  • Categorize your post.
  • Choose or create appropriate tags.
  • Check if you can link anything in the text.

1. Start at the dashboard

Hover your mouse over Posts and click on Add New. 

2. Create A Title

Give your post a title that is relevant to the content. 

3. the right hand side bar is your friend

A). In the right hand Side Bar, typically located at the bottom, click on Add Featured Image.

B). Select the correct image from Media Library or upload new image.

C). Make sure the image has a relevant title and duplicate the title in the Alt Text field.

D). Click Set featured image button at bottom of window.

4. Assign categories

Set the appropriate category in the right hand Side Bar. One is best, no more than three!

5. Add an excerpt

A). Add the first few sentences of the content you are publishing here. This is for blog displays.
B). Click Save Draft.

6. Use the divi builder

A). Click on the button and wait for the Divi Builder to load.
       i). Click Choose a Premade Layout.
      ii). Click Your Saved Layouts.
     iii). Search for the template you need and select it.

7. Right Hand Side Bar options

A). Under Divi Page Settings set the following:
       i). Page Layout: FULLWIDTH
      ii). Post Title: HIDE

8. Build on the front end

A). Click on the Build on the Front End button to load the Front End Visual Builder

B). Add new text to the Text Module by clicking on the text.
       i). Select the gear icon for the grey settings box.
      ii). Edit / paste new text in the module, remembering to ‘paste as plain text’ (Ctrl+Shift+V), this will remove all formatting.
     iii). Save by clicking on the green button.

C). Add additional modules as needed.
      i). Click the text module so the grey settings box appears.
     ii). Click the grey plus button to Add a New  Module
    iii). Select the module needed

9. Saving

A). Click on the purple circle with three white dots
B). Click Save Draft
C). Click Edit Post, located in the top WordPress navigation 

10. Setting publication and time

A). In the ‘Publish’ section click Edit next to ‘Publish immediately’
B). Set the time and date you want the post to be published.
C). Click OK
D). Click the blue Schedule button.

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