Introducing: Pod Creative’s Newsletter!

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We are revamping our newsletter to send our wonderful clients and subscribers informative and useful content each month!

Pod Creative’s Newsletter

EXTRA! EXTRA! READ ALL ABOUT IT! Pod Creative practice what we preach with the launch of our newsletter for our clients and subscribers.

We recommend to all our clients that they publish monthly newsletters to stay in touch with their own clients. One of the best ways to stay in touch with clients is through a Mailchimp email campaign. Mailchimp is our preferred email marketing platform. Businesses can grow their subscriber list and reach out to their audiences efficiently, and effectively. 

Mailchimp newsletters can be created to manually share news, or blog posts from your website via RSS feeds, and much more.

If you regularly post content to your website the option of sending a monthly RSS-driven email campaign is a great way to let your subscribers know about your new content! So what is an RSS feed? RSS stands for Really Simple Syndication and it is a specialized format that creates a news feed. Facebook, for example, is a giant RSS feed. It displays the latest updated content from your friends and pages you like, in one area. Another great example of an RSS feed is having your Instagram account display a feed of your photos on your website.

If you would like to learn more about RSS feeds please check out this article.

Using an RSS feed in Mailchimp allows your clients to view a simplified version of what is new on your website. Let’s say last month you published 6 new blog posts on your website. Through the RSS feed functionality in Mailchimp, you can display those new posts easily in your email campaign. Automated campaigns can even be created to send out at a schedule of your choosing. Monthly, weekly, even daily, with notice of new content.

Wrapping this up

We are often asked what our clients should share in their newsletters. Our answer? Whatever is relevant to your clients and your business! In our newsletter, for example, you will receive updates on our latest posts, introductions to our new Pod Creative clients, and our latest completed projects. We will also include tips, tricks, and helpful information to have you successfully posting away on your own website.

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