Keeping It Living 2012 Silent Art Auction & Competition Under Way

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The art submissions for the 2012 ‘Keeping it Living’ fundraising & awareness campaign for the Courtenay River Estuary are all posted on the website at: There is a great selection this […]
The art submissions for the 2012 ‘Keeping it Living’ fundraising & awareness campaign for the Courtenay River Estuary are all posted on the website at:
There is a great selection this year : 30 artists and 47 submissions –  new artists and  well-known artists –  painting, glass art, sculpture, photography, and mixed media.
All artworks will be in place at their assigned community venue  by Tuesday July 3. The venue location will  be posted at that time on the website so that you can visit the venues to view the works in person. Venues include: Atlas Cafe, Avenue Bistro, Zocalo Cafe and a few other select places.
Please help us help the Courtenay River Estuary by sharing the Keeping it Living campaign, the silent art auction & competition and on-line bidding for the art works.
The finale day on Saturday July 28 is at the K’omoks Band Hall and will include displays, outdoor activities & more. Further details to be posted at:

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