Right from the start CP-SMS has been enthusiastically involved with the restoration and preservation of the K’omoks Estuary (formerly the Courtenay river Estuary) – Keeping It Living is everyone’s responsibility!
PS: You can also view this article on Tidechange.ca once it is published tomorrow afternoon (03/04/2013; 15:35pm).
An art & literature awareness & fundraising campaign to give everyone the opportunity to contribute to the preservation and restoration of the K’ómoks Estuary with an Online Silent Auction, and a Sponsorship Drive culminating in a ART TOUR & AWARENESS FORUM
Project Watershed thanks the Real Estate Foundation of British Columbia for their commitment of $15,000 in 2013 for the creation of a publicly available online Interactive Map of the K’ómoks Estuary.
Estuary Mitigates Climate Change
Estuaries do this through salt marshes and eelgrass beds which sequester carbon from the atmosphere like trees – except they are five times more efficient than trees. Restoration of eelgrass beds and salt marshes not only improves and increases habitat for fish and other marine species but also helps to mitigate climate change. Our estuary just received national attention on this subject from Canadian Geographic, you can read more on their website or by picking up an April issue.
This year Project Watershed is doing another eelgrass mapping and planting session in May and June. This is part of Project Watershed’s plans to do large scale eelgrass and salt marsh restoration throughout the K’omoks Estuary. You can support these efforts in two ways – Volunteering or Sponsorship. For only $25/$100 you can help fund our work and receive a limited edition poster or print (pictured below)- see your dollars grow a healthier community!
Estuary Events
- April 13th, 1:30pm – Beach Seine – Come learn about fish in our estuary. Meet them up close and personal with Dave Davies and Biologist Lora Tryon.
- May 4th, 1pm – Bird Walk – Find a hidden habitat teaming with birdlife along the Estuary with Art Martel.
- May 25th, 1pm – Mudflats Mischief – Delve into the intertidal world of critters with Biologist Michele Jones.
Sign up for these events on their website – www.keepingitliving.ca
Above it All
Waves crash upon the shore
Sound is a beautiful thunderous roar
The mighty bald eagle sits above it all
Trying for a mate with his whistling call
His vision is powerful and sharp as he catches sight
Of a beautiful female in majestic flight
They lock talons high above the trees
He now has 5 seconds to see if he can please
For if he does not finish the task as hand
Rocks below will hurt their land
With no time to spare they pull away
They Live to mate another day
As they fly away
They look back and say
Next year same spot, same day
By Kevin Hamling