Reasons I support/like LTNC…

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Since an initial community meeting many months ago I have watched Lake trail Neighbourhood Connections: organise and host several community meetings aimed at gathering input on how to improve the neighbourhood […]

Since an initial community meeting many months ago I have watched Lake trail Neighbourhood Connections:

  • organise and host several community meetings aimed at gathering input on how to improve the neighbourhood collectively
  • contribute to goodwill and partnership between Lush Valley and Lake Trail Middle School
  • be instrumental in the development of a local food rescue initiative (where I have been able to rescue food from St. Joe’s Hospital and helping it find some use in the Lake Trail kitchens)
  • establish, maintain and use a mid-sized garden including various types of foods
  • work towards establishing a permaculture project on the lands surrounding the school (fingers crossed)

One day, which everyone keeps telling me will be here before we know it, my daughter Juniper will most likely go to Lake Trail Middle school. This is one of the reasons I support/like LTNC. Kids of friends currently attend Lake Trail. Another reasons why I support/like LTNC. By its very nature, I trust, LTNC exists to assist in bringing together the families of those attending Lake Trail Middle School and other members of the community that live in the vicinity, resulting in a more intimate feeling of community. This is the core reason why I support/like LTNC.

Finally, LTNC and Lake Trail Middle School is a potentially ideal example of how Community Way Dollars (cw$) could work to benefit individuals, businesses and community service organisations. I truly hope this opportunity does not get passed over.

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