Keeping It Living 2014 - An art & literature awareness & fundraising campaign to give everyone the opportunity...
Comox Valley Project Watershed Society Elects New Board Officers
On June 11th the Comox Valley Project Watershed Society Board of Directors met and elections were held for Board...
Project Watershed Announces Art Winners for the Estuary
Once again the arts community has shown their support and enthusiasm in helping Project Watershed protect and restore...
Elevating the Estuary for 2013
This year Project Watershed wrapped up their estuary focused Keeping It Living Campaign in collaboration with Elevate...
Keeping It Living: Estuary Dinner Launches Elevate the Arts
Project Watershed is presenting "Dine Under the Sea" to raise funds and awareness about the K'omoks Estuary Tuesday...
K’ómoks Estuary 2013 – Keeping It Living: The Return of Abundance
An art & literature awareness & fundraising campaign to give everyone the opportunity to contribute to the...
Project Watershed Presents: Birding for All Ages
As part of the Keeping It Living Campaign Project Watershed held a bird walk Saturday the 4th of May. The walk was led...
Keeping It Living: Estuary Bird Walk led by Art Martell – May 4th at 1pm
BIRD WALK, May 4th at 1pm Art Martell is leading a walk to view birds of the Estuary this Saturday at 1pm as part of...
Experience the Courtenay River Estuary – Sat, July 28th
The finale to the 2012 'Keeping it Living' campaign is fast approaching, this Saturday, July 28 at the K'omoks Band...