Why Youtube is one of the best marketing strategies you can try!
Youtube is the second most popular search engine, as well as the second most popular social media tool. Over 1 billion hours of youtube videos are watched worldwide every single day. 720,000 hours of video uploaded every day to YouTube. That’s a lot of content! And it is growing.
Youtube isn't just funny cat videos and Minecraft tutorials!
Why Youtube?
What a loaded question! Youtube is the most popular and most visited website on the internet with over 8.5 billion people visiting youtube every month. That’s a lot of people! And if that’s where the people are, that’s where we need to be focusing our marketing efforts!
How Youtube can help your business
Every business, big or small, can benefit from a Youtube channel! It doesn’t matter if your content isn’t Steven Spielberg-level professionalism, what matters is authenticity. We aren’t talking about the overused buzzword, we’re talking about content that is authentic to you or your business. If you are a plumber it would not be authentic to post content about the latest fashion trends out of Paris.
Types of Videos
YouTube videos don’t have to be complicated or huge productions. Use a video camera and create testimonials from your customers, product demonstrations, training videos, or commercials for your company. You may also use screen recording software to create how-to tutorials on your computer. Screen recording software records your computer screen so you can record step-by-step through a computer-related process. How-to tutorials are extremely popular! Our how-to tutorials for creating blog posts, email setup, and more are some of our most visited videos. Try and think of this content your creating as a resource rather than a one-and-done thing. Resources are extremely helpful for clients and create valuable searchable content.
Searchable Content
We’ve said it before and we will say it again and again and again, content is king! Youtube is quickly becoming the second largest search engine on the internet. So much so in fact, you might have noticed that videos are appearing more often than other forms of content on Google’s search results. You can take advantage of this by writing high-quality content on your website and creating videos from this content on YouTube. Doing so will create backlinks to your website, which means that your business will be found more often on Google search.
Boost that SEO
The ease, accessibility, and immersion of video mean that people spend a long time watching content that you produce.
If you can make an engaging video people will spend more time on your website, increasing your website’s credibility with the search engine algorithm. The longer people stay on your website, the more attention-grabbing the content, and the higher your website will be ranked. As Pieter likes to say, adding Youtube videos to your posts is like pouring gasoline on a smoldering fire, boom!
Make sure to read this part
YouTube is a critical and often underutilized marketing tool for new businesses.
Videos can provide crucial information, a fun message, and an engaging way of getting your message to a wider audience. Create videos to share product information, testimonials, updates, and more!
Tutorials are an excellent way to connect with potential customers.
A relevant YouTube video will elevate the quality of your post and keeps visitors on your website longer!