World Community’s film series continues with two films…

The Pipe Dreams Project  and  SpOil

Location: North Island College Theatre (Courtenay campus)

Admission by donation


Prior to the National Energy Board’s public hearings on the Enbridge pipeline proposal in Comox starting March 30, World Community is sharing two popular films examining the proposal and problems associated with it. The Enbridge proposal would see twinned crude oil and condensate pipelines connecting Alberta’s Tar Sands to a seaport at Kitimat, BC, and for the first time would bring crude oil super tankers to the treacherous waters of BC’s North Coast.

‘The Pipedreams Project’ (29 min.) follows three young people , Curtis, Ryan and Faroe, who kayaked 900 km from Kitimat to Vancouver in opposition to this controversial pipeline. Their journey leads them face to face with the complexity of the environmental assessment process, the difficulties local communities face in having their voices heard, and the growing resistance against the pipeline. As they explore the isolated and dangerous coast of BC, the trio becomes deeply impacted by their experience and awakened to a world of power, politics and the question of democracy.

‘SpOil’ (45 min.) is the beautiful documentary produced by the International League of Conservation Photographers (ILCP) that tells the story of the threats facing the Great Bear Rainforest and the continued efforts of the First Nations communities and conservation groups to protect this wild landscape. ‘SpOil’, voted Best Environmental Film at the Vancouver International Film Festival, follows the Great Bear Rainforest Rapid Assessment Visual Expedition (RAVE) swat team of photographers and filmmakers to the Great Bear Rainforest to document the beauty and the threats to this wild landscape.

We’re thrilled that ‘The Pipedreams Project’ filmmaker and long distance kayaker, Faroe Des Roches will join us for a Question & Answer session.

Join us for an evening of stunning cinematography and a discussion about taking action on this important issue.

Admission by donation but no one will be turned away. For more information: (250) 337-5412


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