Keeping It Living 2014 – An art & literature awareness & fundraising campaign to give everyone the opportunity to contribute to the preservation and restoration of the K’ómoks Estuary; This year includes a Sponsorship Drive and Events.

We acknowledge the financial assistance from the Province of British Columbia.

Estuary Projects in the Works

  • Blue Carbon- Eelgrass and salt marsh planting which increases habitat, provides shoreline resilience and protection and removes carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.
  • Upper Airpark Breach – Breaching the upper area of the Courtenay Airpark Lagoon to provide fresh water flow and improve the habitat within the lagoon.
  • Interactive K’omoks Estuary Map – Creating an online source of ecological, historical and recreational information for residents, tourists, environmentalists, recreationalists, students and more!

Don’t forget about our upcoming Estuary Events in April – especially our Keeping It Living Art Display (April 16th to May 3th) and Sponsorship Gala (April 25th)!


Our target this year is to have 100 individuals and businesses partner with us – sponsoring our work through our collection of limited edition prints showcased below. We do have a range of sponsorship opportunities available from $5 to $1000. You can sponsor us online using PayPal or by coming into the office with cash or cheque. Sponsorship material will also be available through the Comox Valley Art Gallery shop from April to August.

Our new Business Sponsorship package includes not only a print and thank you for display in your place of business but public acknowledgement in the newspaper, on our website and during our Keeping It Living Sponsorship Gala on April 25th. To kick off this offer this package is available for only $125 this

Estuary and Economy

The K’omoks Estuary has been providing the Comox Valley with economic prosperity for thousands of years. Jennifer Weber’s painting speaks to the mingling fresh and salt waters of the estuary as well the diverse range of habitats necessary to support the abundance of fish and shellfish that provide food, livelihood, and sport fishing to region. In BC seafood commodities bring in over $1.4 billion and sport fishing generates over $288 million. Tyee salmon, once abundant here, are now seldom found in the area as habitat has been lost or damaged. Restoration projects aim to reverse this trend of habitat loss thus increasing the productivity and economic prosperity of our region. More valuing ($) our oceans facts and figures on our website!


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