Hello Friends, Movers and Shakers in Community!

A group of community spirited folks have taken the plunge this week and gotten the ball rolling for a Community-Wide Day Long Event for raise funds for Disaster Relief in Japan through the Red Cross. Now we need to get the word out to other community groups, silent auction donors etc. so that we can combine forces rather than divide our efforts 🙂

Everyone is invited to be part of a full day of "Compassion in Action" with the Comox Valley community to raise funds for Disaster Relief delivered by the Canadian Red Cross. Location is the Courtenay Legion, Friday April 8th from (approx) noon till 11 pm.

Join us for a coming together of hearts, hands and spirits in our community in the service of raising funds for disaster relief in Japan and other wounded places on our planet where the Canadian Red Cross is being called into action right now. 

This community wide all ages collaboration will include an 11 hour Music Marathon, Huge Silent Auction, Hands on Art Activities and Food and Beverages.

100% of proceeds will be directed to the Canadian Red Cross. 

Please note the contacts below as I am unable to field all questions and offers for assistance at this time!

Want to get involved?

First of all and most importantly: SPREAD THE WORD! 
Please invite all your facebook friends, email people and be sure to stop by for some or part of the day on April 8th with as much or a little $ as you can afford! 
There will be posters created with the week and we will let people know where they can be picked up! Even if you have no funds to contribute you can still come down and make or sign a card for an relief worker or volunteer and share our love and appreciation for their acts of compassion and courage.

Silent Auctions Donation Contact:
Judy at judy@wingcreative.ca. or phone 250 897-0423
(or drop off at Zocalo or Emagination Design)

Concession/Volunteer Food Donations (from suppliers, restaurants, bakers)
Tom at trclarkson1957@live.ca 250 334 2208

Volunteers (set up, decorate, day of and tear down):
Pamela Tessmann at info@pamelatessmann.com or 250-650-6655.

If you are interested in running a hands on art or crafts project, kids activity or card making project:
If you are willing to take on pulling the license for the bar
Meg at festival@islandmusicfest.com

Info for advance donations drop off.

Complete performers line up, activities, schedule, and silent auction list will be posted to facebook and to thewww.islandmusicfest.com website.

The Backstreet Jam will begin on Sunday, April 10th at noon and run until 10PM. No pre-reserved spots, acoustic format (no space for drum kits), first come first play, 3 songs, no cover, but donations are of course encouraged.Whatever is collected will be added to the main event.

From Meg Cursons.

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