What are Keywords and Metadata and Do we still need them?

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Today I will be discussing keywords and metadata and what role it plays in search engine optimization

Michael Holding


Keywords are the words and phrases that web users type into search engines to find websites that match what they are looking for.  Some keywords get hundreds of thousands of unique searches a day while others only get a couple of hundred.



Metadata summarizes basic information about data, which can make finding and working with particular instances of data easier. For example, author, file type, date modified and file size are examples of basic document metadata.  Having the ability to filter through the metadata makes it easier for to locate a specific document.

Do they still work?

The focus on keyword-based search engine optimization(SEO) is shifting.   Keywords were everything to an SEO campaign; Google collected data about a site solely based on the keywords that were present on its pages and in its links, and companies could measure their success based on how they ranked for their target keywords. It was a simple, one-to-one relationship that made it easy for almost anybody to start stuffing and ranking.  But the relationship between keywords and search ranking has become much more complex.



Experience vs. Words

Essentially, Google is looking to see if your site relates experience rather than pumping a site full of keywords.  Google wants to see how many people visit your site and for how long they stay.  Let’s say your website is a kitchen.  When you walk into the kitchen you want to smell freshly baked cookies and taste them, you don’t want to see the recipe.  The recipe is useful but it’s nothing like the experience of smelling or tasting the cookies.  Your website should taste like a cookie.

Regular, Relevant, Rich Content

This is why we recommend the that you post relevant, media rich content on a regular basis.  More posts give a weight of expertise to your site and as you craft ‘experience’ posts your site will organically start to rise in the rankings.  This is not to say keywords and metadata are useless, but they don’t have the same amount of influence anymore.

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