LTNC will be hosting a special presentation about the environmental foundations of the Arden Area and the implications for sustainable land development on Wednesday, September 12  from 6:30 pm to 8:00 pm in the library at Lake Trail School.

Jack Minard, Executive Director of the Comox Valley Land Trust, will present the base land-use plan created in a design charrette for the area roughly between Arden and Marsden Roads. The design project was initiated by the Comox Valley Conservation Strategy and Project Watershed and other partners in anticipation of development pressure in the area. 

Charette participants, including landscape architects, academics, engineers, planners and local residents, looked closely at the geology and hydrology, existing  human use, and infrastructure costs of the area.   The resulting Base Land-use Plan identifies environmentally sensitive areas and the existing and desired trail network, as well as areas that are potentially suitable or not suitable for development.

LTNC is hosting this informative evening so that residents can have a chance to see and learn about this base land-use plan, prior to the City of Courtenay’s community meetings to develop a Local Area Plan for the Arden Area scheduled for September 17, 18 and 19.

For more information, please contact Angela at 250-334-3168

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